Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Delayed Post

I meant to post about this the other day, but as usual Life got in the way. As it has the habit of doing.

This past Saturday, The Boy, Circus, B and I drove to Philly to see JP and his Wife. They were in town for Wife's work conference. It was so awesome to finally meet JP. Philly was cool, but the real point of the trip was to meet them. I'll have pics up eventually. My camera died at some point between when I checked it before we left and arriving in Philly (I think it turned itself on somehow.) So I had to stop at a CVS and get a cheap, FunSaver camera (good Kodak girl that I am.) I have about 4 more pictures left on the roll and then I have to find a place that will develop it.

In other news, I finally saw the orthopedist last week. No news there. As per usual, they can't figure out where the pain is coming from. He advised me to swim 3 days a week to try to strengthen the back and hip, and stretch. Great. I'm scheduled to meet another doctor in the practice on the 16th to talk about injections. Fantastic. And get a back brace for when I have to sit for a long time. I'm going to look for one tomorrow to wear for the drive to Rochester on Friday. Hopefully this will help me arrive at Sister's house still able to move with some ease.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


The Allergist's verdict was very unhelpful.

First they did the skin test on my back. They drew lines on my back with a marker and made about 10 rows of little pin pricks to test for various things I could be allergic to.

Then I waited 20 minutes to react.

The tech came in and looked.

And looked.

And rubbed a little.

And looked.

The pricks for the dust mites reacted a little.

The tree pollen row may have trace reactions.



Nothing else seems to be reacting much.

Another tech came in. A tech in training maybe? To sort of see how it was done. "This is sort of an oddball one," the first tech says. Thanks.
She notes down her observations, tells me to get dressed and goes to tell the doctor how I did.

Evidently, I failed the skin test and had to take a retest. This time, on my arms.

She writes the initials of what each test is for then pricks a needle and injects something under each letter.

Wait 20 more minutes.

The tech comes back to look.


Nothing much again.

Good news is, I'm not allergic to the cat.

Bad news is, we still don't really know what is causing the ear pain. Could be the dust mite allergy. Maybe.

The allergist gave me yet another antihistamine to try and some pamphlets on how to reduce dust mites.
And will send a report to my GP about sending me to an ENT. Though I may contact my GP first, since I don't think I want to wait that long.

As a reward for my good behavior (and because we were both starving,) The Boy™ and I went to Otto's for an early dinner. We sat outside under an umbrella and had a very nice meal. We need to go there more often.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week of Stuff

Things happening this week. Not really exciting to you all, I suppose, but things to knock me out of my regularly scheduled programming.

1. First week of the summer session. This requires a new work schedule for me to get used to. I'm done a little earlier on Mondays and Wednesdays, a little later on Tuesdays and Thursdays and off altogether on Fridays. I'm going to try to take advantage of having Fridays off to get down to the Farmer's Market. I missed it most weeks last year because of my work/show schedule.

2. Doctor's appointments. Allergist tomorrow and Orthopedist on Thursday. I'll update with the results, if any.

3. A three day weekend! I have more of these coming. This is exciting.

4. A trip on Saturday. The Boy™, Circus, B and I are going to Philly to see JP (who is there for an unrelated trip.) There may be a yarn store and Ikea included in the visit. But the real reason is to see JP. Pictures will be taken and posted.

5. Perhaps a ballgame on Sunday? The Boy™ gets free tickets to the local minor league baseball team with his student ID. He got a ticket for the game this Sunday. I may or may not go with him, depending on how tired I am after the Philly trip on Saturday.

In the meantime, I have finally gotten some knitting done. Finished the first Dead Simple Lace Sock and have started the second Leaves of Whimsy Sock. I've realized just how much sock yarn I have sitting around. I need to start knitting it up or face having to move it at the beginning of August. I also started something that will be a Christmas present for Nephew. I'm not sure it's coming out right, though, so I'm thinking of frogging it and starting again.
Pictures of the knitting to come.

Oh, and while we were at the comic book store last weekend I got a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies It is hysterical!
Elizabeth sits at the party because she has no one to dance with (which is what you do when you have no one to dance with at parties in those days.) She overhears Mr. Darcy saying that she is not as pretty as her sister and therefore he doesn't want to dance with her.
That jerk! thinks Elizabeth. I must defend my honor! She leans down to get her dagger from her boot to stab it into Mr. Darcy's throat just as -- Oh look! Zombies! Girls! Pentagram of Death!

Really! How can you not love that?!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Work Stuff

It's been a weird week at work. Makeup week. The only people who have been in have been music teachers. Sporadically. I've been covering the desk in the evenings. It has been nice and quiet. I spent the majority of that time on the computer, which I'm not allowed to do, but did anyway. Because, really? Who is going to notice. And what else is there for me to do?
Today is the last Friday I have to work for a couple of weeks. Tomorrow is the last Saturday I have to work for a couple of weeks. The schedule for the summer is light, compared to the regular session. The bad news is, I only have 28 hours a week. We're going to be on a tight budget this summer. The good news is, I have three day weekends for the next four weeks or so. I should keep in mind this little break is much needed after being so overworked for the past ten months. It'll be nice.

In the meantime, for your viewing enjoyment, here is another picture of Nephew:

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Back to Real Life

The Boy and I are back home in PA. We spent the past six days in NY with Sister, Bro-in-Law and Nephew. It was wonderful. Nephew is so adorable, I could just eat him up! I wanted to stay for weeks and weeks, but all things must come to an end. I can't believe he's going to be MONTHS old the next time I see him again. Something is just not right about that. That's what I get for moving away, I suppose.

I'm stuck in Limbo Land this week. It's makeup week at work. So some classes are happening, but most are not. I'm on a weird kind of half schedule. It's sort of like the last week of school where you have to go in and do things, but you know that whatever you do this week doesn't really count.
Plus I don't really know what's going on for next week, as far as my actual schedule is concerned. So I can't plan anything (not that I have anything to plan.) And that kind of stresses me out. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, but I'm not.

I'm hoping things will be sorted out soon. All kinds of things. Things I can talk about and things I can't. I'll be posting about them as they are sorted or not sorted, each as they happen to be.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

It's a Boy!!!

Sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy today! Nephew is 6lbs, 12oz; born at 3:55 this afternoon. Mother and Baby are doing wonderfully.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Things Happening

There's stuff going on. Stuff and things.

Went to the doctor today about my back. They took some X-rays. Not entirely sure of the results yet, the radiologist has to read them. Once he does, they'll burn the pictures and the radiologist's report onto a CD and send me off with the CD to the orthopedist's. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to another specialist I go. This is beginning to be a trend I don't like so much. But hopefully this will help. In the meantime, Dr. S. has given me some different pain meds. We'll see how they work.

Took Jersey Cat to the vet today. He got his distemper and his rabies shots. Which he didn't like at. all. We're discussing what to do about heartworm, fleas and ticks. That will need to be settled soon. Also, a feline leukemia shot. We didn't do that in NH because he wasn't going outside. But now that we take him out, he'll need to have that done.
The vet also says he's a tad bit overweight. He's up to 19lbs. His ideal weight is about 17lbs. Aren't we all slightly above our ideal weight, though? Why should Jersey be any different?

I also have heard back from first thing I'm not mentioning in case I jinx it. Think happy thoughts for me tomorrow around 3:15 EST, if you don't mind. Just send all the good vibes you can in my direction and I will be grateful. I'll let you know all about it if it works.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sunday Off!

I have the WHOLE DAY OFF!

Spent the afternoon with Cris, Bec and The Boy™ at Webster's.

Lemon-Mango iced tea is my new favorite thing.

My goal for the week is to find lemon-mango tea so I can make my own.

Saturday, June 6, 2009


Blogging from work again. Which I know I shouldn't do, but it's quiet right now and all my work is done.

Today is my second or third to last (depending on makeups) Saturday. Until the fall, unless I get another job before then. Don't ask how that is going. It's all in limbo.

Next week is doctor week. Jersey Cat goes to the vet for his shots (then to PetCo for a summer shave.). I'm going to the doctor about the back (again) and the allergist about the ears. Wish me luck with that.

Friday, June 5, 2009


This took much longer than it should have. Things have gotten busy around here. Blame it on work.

Here are a couple of Post-Wedding (that's Cousin Fred's wedding, for those of you just joining us,) pictures. Sunday, the day after the wedding, was a BBQ at Fred's house. Monday, before we went home, we met Margot and the boys and Fred and Michele at a nearby playground to release some energy before the long drive home (and boy, was it long! Construction and traffic galore!)

(Okay, this isn't really post or pre-wedding at all. This is the view from our hotel room balcony. Which it was a bit to chilly to do more than stand on for a few minutes to look at the view and snap a picture.)