We're finally here, in the new apartment. Attempting to settle in.
For now.
I had to admit this, because I was so excited about this place on the way here, but the new apartment kind of sucks. The rooms are small, the stairwells are narrow, we can't get all our furniture INTO the apartment and the neighborhood is sketchy.
The guy across the street regularly screams at his wife in the front yard into the wee hours of the morning. Someone keeps leaving bags of garbage on the curb in front of our apartment (which the City does not pick up because they are not in the City garbage bags.) I suspect the woman downstairs, who has been served her eviction papers and no longer gives a shit.
We are treated to the off-key songs and cat calls of the drunk college kids on the way home from the bars at night. I thought I left all that behind.
Needless to say, we're not that happy. However, our landlord is nicely letting us out of our rent starting in August, assuming they can find a new rentor. She seems pretty confidant that she can.
It's not a horrible apartment. It's just not for us. I would have loved it as a 20 year old undergrad. That seems like eons ago, though, and I no longer have the tolerance for this kind of crap.
So we're apartment hunting again. It'll be easier this time because we're actually here. We can go look at the place and the neighborhood and make sure we like it and we can fit our sofa into the living room and our bed into the bedroom. It's the little things, you know?
Otherwise, things are going well. The Boy™ starts work on the first. I'm busy visiting friends and getting to know the area again. I'll start rehearsals next week.
It's really, really good to be back.