Friday, April 5, 2013

Dear Life

(inspired by Gradybird)

Dear Productivity,
   Damn, girl! You and I make a great team today! Way to get shit done! We just burned right through that to-do list that has been growing for a week. Granted, it was only derby related stuff, but still got a LOT of stuff done today!

Dear Derby Bruises,
   Oh, how I've missed you. Burnt on one arm, Toy on the other and the hard-ass Arena floor on my hips courtesy Tuffy. Outdoor practices are nice for endurance, but I missed getting knocked around by my girls. 

Dear Eurydipeeps,
     I haven't had a show like this in a long time. I usually get along with my casts; I tend to work with my friends.  But something about this experience has been different. I haven't had a close-knit cast like this since ... college, I think. I don't know if it's the show or the group of people itself. It's nice. Sweet. I'm really enjoying myself. It's a relaxing change of pace from the hectic stress shows usually are for me.

Dear Spring,
   Is this finally you? After all this time? I thought you'd forgotten about us and were going to leave us to die in a frozen tundra. I'm glad you decided that isn't going to be the case and you made the trek out here. 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Dear Life

inspired by Grady

Dear Snow,
   You were pretty in December. Now that it's March, I'd really rather you'd go away now. However, thank you for the needed day off with my husband. We needed the time together. (You can really take the rest of the summer off now. See you next December.)

Dear Coach,
   Oh how I love and hate you. Practice last night was awesome and horrible. Thank you for the mile run warm up. Thank you for the drills that force me to work hard and think hard and play hard. Thank you for getting us on skates and on the track and working as a team again. Thank you for pulling me off the track when I'm to stubborn to acknowledge when I'm in too much pain to continue.

Dear Patience, 
    I need you now more than ever. I feel like I am almost on the edge of something really good if I can just wait long enough for it to happen. As usual, I'm impatient for things to occur right away. Not everything works on my timetable. This is a lesson I've been attempting to learn my entire life. I am trying my hardest to wait and let life unfold as it should. It's pretty hard. I hope the results are as good as I'd like them to be. They say patience is rewarded. Please let them be right, whoever they are.

Dear Nephew,
    Happy 2nd birthday! You are such a sweet, silly, wonderful little guy. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I can't wait to see you and your brother and  your parents soon.  I don't get to see you as often as I'd like to, but that doesn't mean I love you any less.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Dear Life

Inspired by Gradybird. 

Dear Migraine: I really could have done without you today. You made it really hard for me to get stuff done. However, you serve as a good reminder to slow down and relax once in a while. Point taken. Now please go away so I can be productive this weekend.

Dear MSA Students: You are such a great group of creative, imaginative kiddos. You inspire me daily. Don't lose your artistic spark.

Dear Derby:  You're kicking my ass already and the season has barely begun. I'm terrified of the 25 in 5 (25 in 430 -- eep!) My big-girl panties are pulled up. Bring it, bitch. 

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Shameless Promoting

A little bit of promotion for my team.

You know you want to join.

To skate.

Or ref.

Or volunteer.

Come check us out on March 10th.

You'll have a fantastic time!

Friday, February 15, 2013

The Bleak MidWinter

I don't know if it actually is MidWinter. What's the actual date of MidWinter? Seems like it should be halfway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Solstice, right?

Anyway, semantics.

It FEELS like midwinter. It certainly is pretty bleak with all the snow around. I'm desperate for spring. Desperate for warm air and sunshine.

Desperate to be back on my skates.

I've been doing a lot of work prepping for the 2013 derby season. NONE of it, thus far, as been track work. The majority of it has been marketing and PR related. How did I get that job, I wonder? 

Some of us are born into marketing, and some of us get marketing thrust into our unwilling hands and have to take the burning pile and run with it or get burned.
I'm doing my best not to get burned.

It's a lot of work. A lot more than I was prepared for. But, so far, so good, I think.  We'll see on May 11th - at our season opener - if I have been at all successful.

I've also had a fair bit of marketing thrust upon me at work as well. The marketing member of the board has stepped down and, for lack of anyone better, they've decided I will assume all of that person's responsibilities.  I'm looking at it as job security. 

This post has gotten away from me. 

I'm looking forward to Spring. That's really the point of all of this.


Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Upcoming Shows

I'm in the midst of tech week craziness for the Odd Couple right now.  

This show is hysterical and awesome and great fun.

And a little stressful, I admit. I took on a bit more than I can chew. Stage manager, props mistress, scenic designer, lighting designer, electrician. Remind me not to do this again.

At the risk of drawing attention away from that awesomeness, I do want to point out for a moment my upcoming gig.  Which is also wonderful and delightful and beautiful in an entirely different way.

I'll wait for a moment while you go read about it.



This wonderful, delightful, beautiful, heartbreaking show is wickedly expensive to do. So, like all artists in recent times, my producers have started a Kickstarter campaign to help fund it. We're hoping at least to raise enough money to cover the rights. At most to cover the rights and the sets, lights, props and costumes.

Please donate.

Thank you. 

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Knitting Like Crazy

So far, all of my community involvement efforts have been knitting related ones.

Today, I take part in this:

We're knitting hats to donate to a local food pantry. 

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Phoebe Conundrum

As poor Phoebe in Friends discovers, there is no such thing as a selfless good deed.

I call this the Phoebe Conundrum: You do good for someone else, thereby making yourself feel good.  I feel this will play a large part in the Wina Motto for the year (the Year of Community Involvement.) The things we do will help others, but we will get some kind of pleasure or satisfaction from it ourself.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing. Just that it is a thing that exists and I'm acknowledging it.

That said, my first small project for the YoCI is done. (YoCI, what a crappy acronym. I'll find something better.) 
My friend Nicci has a friend who is going through a rough time at present. Her three-year-old daughter is in the hospital undergoing treatment for brain cancer. She has begun chemo and radiation and has begun to lose her hair. Nicci has asked me to knit a hat to keep her little head warm in the hospital. 

So this hat:

and these little slippers:

are going off to little Miya to keep her little head and feet warm while she gets her treatment. 

One request of you, dear Readers. Please keep Miss Miya in your thoughts. The doctors seem hopeful that she will pull through this. 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

One of my very close friends,Whitney, and I have a New Year's tradition: instead of making resolutions that we won't keep, we make mottos for the new year. It's a sort of catchy tag or label that we try to live by through the year. 

2012 was the Year of Choice Not Chance.

This year, to follow a year in which our faith in our government, general safety and common decency were shaken and stirred, we've made 2013 the Year of Community Involvement. We aim to make small or large efforts to do good close to home. 

As an effort to track these efforts, I'm going to create a label and I'm going to do my best to blog about them - whether they are small or large efforts. I hope you all will make notes in the comments (or send me an email or message on facebook, if you are friends with me personally) and let me know what changes you are making in your area. 

Let's make 2013 brighter and happier for everyone around us!