inspired by Grady
Dear Snow,
You were pretty in December. Now that it's March, I'd really rather you'd go away now. However, thank you for the needed day off with my husband. We needed the time together. (You can really take the rest of the summer off now. See you next December.)
Dear Coach,
Oh how I love and hate you. Practice last night was awesome and horrible. Thank you for the mile run warm up. Thank you for the drills that force me to work hard and think hard and play hard. Thank you for getting us on skates and on the track and working as a team again. Thank you for pulling me off the track when I'm to stubborn to acknowledge when I'm in too much pain to continue.
Dear Nephew,
Happy 2nd birthday! You are such a sweet, silly, wonderful little guy. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I can't wait to see you and your brother and your parents soon. I don't get to see you as often as I'd like to, but that doesn't mean I love you any less.
Dear Snow,
You were pretty in December. Now that it's March, I'd really rather you'd go away now. However, thank you for the needed day off with my husband. We needed the time together. (You can really take the rest of the summer off now. See you next December.)
Oh how I love and hate you. Practice last night was awesome and horrible. Thank you for the mile run warm up. Thank you for the drills that force me to work hard and think hard and play hard. Thank you for getting us on skates and on the track and working as a team again. Thank you for pulling me off the track when I'm to stubborn to acknowledge when I'm in too much pain to continue.
Dear Patience,
I need you now more than ever. I feel like I am almost on the edge of something really good if I can just wait long enough for it to happen. As usual, I'm impatient for things to occur right away. Not everything works on my timetable. This is a lesson I've been attempting to learn my entire life. I am trying my hardest to wait and let life unfold as it should. It's pretty hard. I hope the results are as good as I'd like them to be. They say patience is rewarded. Please let them be right, whoever they are.Dear Nephew,
Happy 2nd birthday! You are such a sweet, silly, wonderful little guy. I wish I could be there to celebrate with you. I can't wait to see you and your brother and your parents soon. I don't get to see you as often as I'd like to, but that doesn't mean I love you any less.