Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day

We spent the afternoon at the Arboretum. I took the new camera for a test spin. I am in love. It helps having such photogenic subjects.  

(This last photo wasn't taken at the Arboretum. This is my new succulent garden I just planted. If I don't kill the darn things, I'll take another picture when they've grown a little and filled out the pot a bit.)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Summer Activity

I got my stage manager stipend this week for Twelve Angry Men. Today, I spent it on one of these.   Or, more specifically, this: 

This is my new summer project, since I seem to have some more time on my hands.  It's something I've been wanting to pursue for a while. And now I have the time to do it and the money to purchase a slightly better camera to do it with. So, here I go. I will try to post some pictures of my progress.  Don't expect much.

Friday, May 28, 2010

On Work and Butterflies

Chuang Tzu And The Butterfly by Li Po
Chuang Tzu in dream became a butterfly,
And the butterfly became Chuang Tzu at waking.
Which was the real—the butterfly or the man ?
Who can tell the end of the endless changes of things?
The water that flows into the depth of the distant sea
Returns anon to the shallows of a transparent stream.
The man, raising melons outside the green gate of the city,
Was once the Prince of the East Hill.
So must rank and riches vanish.
You know it, still you toil and toil,—what for? 

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Pot Meet Kettle ...

I think our scenic designer should stop and take a good hard look at his work before he opens his mouth and starts critiquing what other people are doing. 

You haven't done the best job on this one either, pal. 

Just a suggestion.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010


Okay, do people seriously think that rompers for grown women are at all stylish? Why have these things come back into vogue? Anyone over the age of 18 months should not be wearing them.  You look foolish, you silly woman.

That's what I have to say about that.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Coming Soon!

Twelve Angry Men opens tomorrow.

Have you bought your tickets yet?

Saturday, May 8, 2010


I could use a few days of rest and relaxation.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

   Yesterday the Ever Lovely B and I went to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival and we had a wonderful time.  It was abnormally hot (and sunny) for the first day of May, so I think we both were a bit lethargic.  But we enjoyed ourselves and bought enough yarn to get us through the summer (at least.)

    Sheep getting sheered. (It's too loud for the little girl.)

 Alpacas! Aren't they adorable?!

 Some kids take a break and watch a puppet show.

 A baby dances to a fiddler on the green. 

 Miss B smiles prettily.

Exhausted Gina hangs out in the Yurt.

This is the art I bought. It is awesome.

     Now my fun and games are over. It's back to the real world of work and rehearsals. Twelve Angry Men rehearsals are going well.  I'm exhausted, but it's a good exhausted.  Right now at least. Ask me again in a week and I may say otherwise.

  12 angry men debate the fate of a young man.