Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today is the first day in a week that I have woken up headache free!

I'm not completely cured, mind. The headache is still there. Hiding in the back of my head. Waiting to pounce. But I think I can drug it into submission with Tylenol and caffeine.

I went to the doctor yesterday. Turns out the Darvocet I was taking for immediate migraine relief (when I get a migraine, not the daily stuff I take to prevent a migraine) could actually have been CAUSING the fuckers. So I've been pounding the crap down all week trying to feel better and only making it worse.


So I got home yesterday, took some plain, old Tylenol and today am feeling better.

The wonders of modern medicine, eh?

I'm to increase the Topamax (which I take daily to prevent the migraines) and he's given me a prescription for something else to take if I get one, but the pharmacy isn't able to fill it until Monday. We'll see how it works. Hopefully not for a long time, though. I've had enough migraines this week to last me a long, long time.

Now, I'm going to enjoy my weekend.

Friday, January 22, 2010


So, I'm also now on Skype. Sort of. I really only know one other person I can chat with, and she is currently in Liverpool so we don't get to really chat (what with the time difference and all.) Are you on Skype? What do you think of it? Do you actually use it? Is it awkward to sit and stare at your computer and talk to someone?  

(I know, you're shocked that I've posted twice in one day. But here you are.)

Friday, Friday

While I'm glad today is Friday, it doesn't feel like much of one as I've been home sick for the past two days.

I'm sick in that weird way where I feel like I'm too sick to go to work, but not sick enough to really stay home. I so very rarely call in sick to work, and I knew that if I went in to work I would be irritable and miserable and wouldn't get any work done anyway, so I figured it was best for everyone if I just stayed home.

What's my problem? A five day migraine.

I get the strangest migraines. At least I think they're strange. 
Most people I know (or that I hear of) get migraines that are the complete opposite of mine. They get these headaches where they want to kill themselves. They can't stand the light or noise, and they have to take their meds and lock themselves up in a dark room for four hours or the rest of the night until it is over.

Mine aren't like that. Most of the time, I can work through them. They are small, throbbing, ache-all-day-and-annoy-the-shit-out-of-me kind of headaches. All day and all night. For days on end. It's not uncommon for my migraines to last three or four days. The only relief I get is sleep. But it's back again when I wake up. I don't even have to open my eyes to know that the migraine is still there. 

They get worse as they go on. If it doesn't go away by the fourth or fifth day, I'm not much use. The light hurts. Loud, sharp sounds hurt. Moving my eyes hurt. I have a hard time forming coherent sentences.  Looking at the computer hurts. I am currently sitting in my dark living room with the contrast turned way down on my computer screen in order to type this. I'm taking frequent breaks to close my eyes, even though it doesn't really help at all.  I'm not entirely certain this post is making any sense at all.  I paid a bill earlier and it took me two tries to write the check before I was able to fill it out correctly (don't ask why I don't pay the electric bill online, that's not something I'm going to get into here.)

Anyway. That's pretty much what I wanted to talk about today. Migraines. My weird migraines. Or maybe they're not that weird? Do other people get migraines like this? Or are they not migraines and they are a different kind of headache instead?

If this one doesn't go away by Monday, I'll have to go back to the doctor and see if he can change up my meds again. This one has lasted five days already. Five days too long.

Here's hoping this headache goes away and I can at least have a nice weekend. The weather is supposed to be warmish. I'd like to get out and enjoy it a little. You have a nice weekend too, wherever you are. Enjoy you weather, whatever it is.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


I am enjoying my second work-free Saturday of this semester.

I slept in.  A little. Ok, not much. Only about 15 minutes. But it was still nice!

I got all of my weekend chores done before 11am (before I normally would have even been OUT of work!)

The Boy™ and I spent a lovely afternoon downtown with Margot, Mark and Simon. Shopped at the ComicSwap, had some Indian food for lunch, visited the toy store.  Played a little Pokemon in the HUB. You know, all the important things.

Now, I'm being lazy and knitting and watching movies on the Roku.  I might make some nachos for a late dinner.

Tomorrow: laundry, grocery shopping and another visit to campus to drop off some stuff at The Boy™'s office.  It's nice not to have to shove it all into one day.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


What's better than new purple shoes?

New purple shoes that are on sale!

(Do you dig my new purple shoes? I do!)

Friday, January 8, 2010


(Belated) Happy New Year!

I don't usually make New Years' Resolutions.

(Right, that's a tiny lie. My resolution every year is not to give up anything for Lent. A resolution I stole from my father, that I keep. Every year. It's sort of a joke, you see. And a father-daughter bonding thing. We're geeks. And bad Catholics.)

But I am going to make an attempt (which isn't the same thing as a resolution) to blog more this year.

And take more pictures.

And post those pictures on the blog.

Thereby blogging more.

And so, Gentle Readers, I have a resolution for you. I ask that you comment more on this old blog. So I know that I'm not just sending these words out into the void.

Because if I am, what a waste of my time that is.