Thursday, November 3, 2011

Fake Steak

For the last show, we needed three steak dinners every show.  There's now way our poor little theatre company could afford three steaks for eight performances, so I made fake steaks to go along with the real food.  Here's a little step-by-step explination of my process in case you ever need to make fake steak (or for the next time I need to make it, so I remember how I did it.)

Ingredients: floral foam, white glue (of the Elmer's variety), paint

Step one: cut the foam to the desired shape and coat with glue; let dry

Step two: base coat with red paint; let dry

Step three: dry brush with brown paint; let dry

Step four: add grill lines with dark brown and highlight with cream; let dry

I didn't get a good picture of it onstage, but believe me when I tell you that on a plate with potatoes and green beans under stage lights, it looks close enough to real steak that the audience will believe it.

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