Friday, November 20, 2009

Another Year Older ...

Yes, it's my birthday.

Yes, I'm turning 30.

No, I don't have a problem with this.

Know what else I don't have a problem with? The fact that I'm a great big geek.  My husband got me The Best birthday presents. In addition to an adorable mug with a 'G' monogram on it - filled with my favorite jelly beans from Wegman's - he got me a label maker and this framed print.

We're going out to dinner with friends after work tonight. Tomorrow, after I survive three and a half hours of Nutcracker rehearsal, Mom, Sister and Beebe are coming to visit.  I plan on spending the rest of the weekend in the hottub at their hotel. So, if you're looking for me, that's where I will be.

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