Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Snippets of My Weekend

I meant to do this yesterday, but things kept cropping up.

 Spent a rainy Sunday at the coffee shop in the window table with my laptop. 

 Finished one project and started a couple of others. It was a productive weekend on the knitting front. More on that later.

 Sunday, March 14 (3.14) was Pie Day. I got The Boy™ and I chocolate, peanut butter pie from Wegman's. Yum!

Spring is in the air and I can't resist filling my apartment with flowers. Daffodils are inexpensive at the store right now, so they're my flower of choice. Who can pass up a bright yellow bouquet for the kitchen table? 

How was your weekend, my Lovelies?

1 comment:

Jp said...

All of that is awesome. I sometimes wish I could spend a rainy morning with my netbook at the coffee shop. Alas, a luxury I don't have most weekends. And YAY for the knitting, very cool socks :)