Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Story of the Plant

When The Boy™ and I first moved to PA, Cousin Margot gave us a cutting from the plant she has in her front hall (front hall-kitchen-most of the downstairs.) It started out as just two little twigs with a couple of green leaves on them. Over the past four years, it has grown into a nice, respectable looking plant. I currently have it wrapped around the fish bowls to add a little greenery to the area.

It's been just that, though. A respectable looking green plant.

Just green.

In the whole four years that we've had it.

Then one day, about a month ago, I looked over and saw something funny on it.

"Hon," I said to The Boy™, "What's that on the plant?"

"This?" He said, going over to it. "Wow. It's a flower!"

Sure enough.  It was a little pink flower.

Now, that was something unexpected! I told everyone I knew who was interested (and some people who weren't) about this adorable flower on my plant that hadn't flowered in four years. Heard in return stories of plants that flowered once in a lifetime. And then didn't think any more about it. 

Until we got back from vacation and I saw these suckers:

Mother Nature is an amazing thing, isn't she?

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