Friday, October 21, 2011

Off the Needles

Now that Orson's Shadow has closed, I have a tiny bit of extra free time to get some more knitting done.  Here's what's recently come off the needles:

The pattern is the Ruby Tuesday Cardigan found here (warning: the site is not in English.)  I like the way it turned out, though the buttons pull a little weird when they're all buttoned. I don't know what that's all about. If I do this again, I'll make the sleeves a little longer.  They seemed long enough when I tried it on while I was knitting it, but after I blocked it and put it on finished, they end about two inches above my wrists.  They're both the same, thankfully, so it looks like I did it that way on purpose.

I got some nice, handspun yarn from the local farmer's market with the intention of making a scarf out of it.  However, when I got it home and started knitting with it, I found the weight was too inconsistant for me. So I just made a simple shawl out of it for my Mother-in-Law for her birthday. 

I used a shawl I had knit a few years ago in a show recently. My bestest, Wina, loved it so much I decided to make her a shawl for Christmas. I'm rather pleased with the way it turned out.

This is the first of a pair of socks for The Boy™ for Christmas.  It isn't any particular pattern, just a basic toe-up construction with a floating rib pattern along the leg.  The yarn is from Knit Picks; the colorway is called Pirate King. So I'm calling this pattern Floating Pirate.
There was some discussion on twitter regarding what differentiates floating pirates from witches. To which I responded: pirates weigh more than ducks.

And if that made you chuckle, you are my friend. 

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