Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Unfounded Fears

Things started slowing down once Orson's Shadow opened.  The insane succession of shows I had at the end of the summer was over, and I was working on one show with nothing else on the horizon. 

I'll be honest. I began to panic.

Logically, I knew it was a lot to expect that I would just fall into my old ways once we returned to NH. Life here had moved on in the five years we'd been away. I couldn't expect every director I ever worked with to be pining away for their favorite stage manager to return. A small part of me hoped they had, but the realist in me knew it wouldn't be so.
I was a little disappointed, irrationally, when I found that the show I most wanted to do out of this season already had a stage manager. 
So I started to prepare myself that I would be theatre-less for the rest of the season and I would have to start looking for something else.

But that changed quite suddenly. 

A friend of a friend, a woman I knew socially but have never worked with before, found herself without a stage manager three weeks into rehearsal for her show.  She sent me an email asking if I could step in.

Of course!

We were discussing her final show of the season, and my desire to be a part of it.  She already has a stage manager, but would love it if I could come in and be her run crew.

Of course!

Last night at rehearsal, she turned to me and asked "what are you doing in March?" Um. Nothing?  She has another show opening at the end of March that she'd like me to stage manage.

Of course!

All that concern about not having any gigs for the rest of the year is gone. It really is almost like I never left.  And I'm really happy that we're back. 

** The shows, by the way, are Elephant Hunt, Detritus, and Wit.  Go to the Players' Ring website  for more information. 

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