Thursday, May 7, 2009

More of the Same

Remember how I hurt my back about a month ago? I was started to feel better, going back to the gym and everything. Especially since Circus and B have gotten memberships to the YMCA along with me. We have great plans to work out together and everything.

Well, yeah. Guess again. I think spending all day on my feet at the Sheep and Wool Festival screwed up my back again. I am in AGONY today. I can't do anything without massive amounts of pain in my lower back. It hurts to stand, to walk, to sit, to lay down. To do anything. I've been doing the stretches and exercises the Physical Therapist gave me. They might be helping, I can't tell yet.

I'm going to call the Physical Therapist in the morning and try to get back in to see her. This is ridiculous, though. I can't have my back going out every time I have a day I have to be on my feet for more than three hours.

In other, random health news: I saw the doctor yet again about my ears. My ongoing problem with the pain in my Eustachian tubes (the only good thing that has come of this so far is that I have learned to spell Eustachian tubes.) The pain I have been dealing with all winter.
The doctor has me on new allergy pills (Singular and Allegra.) It is helping a bit with my allergies - my nose is less stuffy and my eyes are less goopy. But my ears don't hurt any less and the post nasal drip is still driving me nuts. He says if it's not better by Monday, to let him know and he'll write me a referral to the Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist.
The drawback to this is that the closest Ear, Nose and Throat Specialist that accepts our insurance is an hour away. Why is health care so screwed up in this country?

Wow, what a boring post for you guys to read. No pictures and me whining about my various health aliments. Something more exciting next time, I promise.

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