Monday, May 4, 2009

Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival

On Saturday, Becca and I went to the Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. We left on a bus with about 25 other women at 6:45 in the morning and arrived back at about 10:00 at night. We had tons of fun. I've never seen so many sheep or so much yarn in my life! I've been saving for months to have money to spend at this thing and it was totally worth it. I spent a total of $200. Mostly on yarn. I bought lemonade to have with lunch (packed a sandwich,) honey for The Boy™ and dinner on the way home. We're definitely planning to go again next year.

Sheep pictures:

This one is a little blurry, but if you look closely, you can see he has four horns! He was quite the grumpy thing, too.

Here's Becca petting a six month old lamb. He was really cute.

Non-sheep pictures:

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