Saturday, January 16, 2010


I am enjoying my second work-free Saturday of this semester.

I slept in.  A little. Ok, not much. Only about 15 minutes. But it was still nice!

I got all of my weekend chores done before 11am (before I normally would have even been OUT of work!)

The Boy™ and I spent a lovely afternoon downtown with Margot, Mark and Simon. Shopped at the ComicSwap, had some Indian food for lunch, visited the toy store.  Played a little Pokemon in the HUB. You know, all the important things.

Now, I'm being lazy and knitting and watching movies on the Roku.  I might make some nachos for a late dinner.

Tomorrow: laundry, grocery shopping and another visit to campus to drop off some stuff at The Boy™'s office.  It's nice not to have to shove it all into one day.

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