Saturday, January 23, 2010


Today is the first day in a week that I have woken up headache free!

I'm not completely cured, mind. The headache is still there. Hiding in the back of my head. Waiting to pounce. But I think I can drug it into submission with Tylenol and caffeine.

I went to the doctor yesterday. Turns out the Darvocet I was taking for immediate migraine relief (when I get a migraine, not the daily stuff I take to prevent a migraine) could actually have been CAUSING the fuckers. So I've been pounding the crap down all week trying to feel better and only making it worse.


So I got home yesterday, took some plain, old Tylenol and today am feeling better.

The wonders of modern medicine, eh?

I'm to increase the Topamax (which I take daily to prevent the migraines) and he's given me a prescription for something else to take if I get one, but the pharmacy isn't able to fill it until Monday. We'll see how it works. Hopefully not for a long time, though. I've had enough migraines this week to last me a long, long time.

Now, I'm going to enjoy my weekend.

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