Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

One of my very close friends,Whitney, and I have a New Year's tradition: instead of making resolutions that we won't keep, we make mottos for the new year. It's a sort of catchy tag or label that we try to live by through the year. 

2012 was the Year of Choice Not Chance.

This year, to follow a year in which our faith in our government, general safety and common decency were shaken and stirred, we've made 2013 the Year of Community Involvement. We aim to make small or large efforts to do good close to home. 

As an effort to track these efforts, I'm going to create a label and I'm going to do my best to blog about them - whether they are small or large efforts. I hope you all will make notes in the comments (or send me an email or message on facebook, if you are friends with me personally) and let me know what changes you are making in your area. 

Let's make 2013 brighter and happier for everyone around us!

1 comment:

Grady said...

I love this!!! What an awesome idea :)

I'm not one for "resolutions" either - plus, for me I do that sort of thing for Lent, so it doesn't really feel very "New Years-y" in my world!

I think what you guys do is so awesome!