Friday, July 10, 2009

Catching Up

I still don't have the pictures from Philly yet. I have to finish the roll of film. Just like when I was a teenager. Quick! Take pictures! Any pictures! I want the photos off the beginning of that roll!

Anyway, here's a quick wrap up of what's going on in my life right now:

1. Arts Fest. It's that time of year again. Downtown is crowded with vendors and people. Nighttime is full of kids, cars and kegs. Nothin' says summer like fair food.

2. ENT. I finally got in to see him. Nothing so far. They're going to do a CT of my sinuses. He can't really get an idea of what the problem is until he sees what's going on inside. So it's more waiting.

3. Work. Same only less hours.

4. Moving. Um. Yeah. We're moving. In three weeks. Not far. Just across the street. But Move In Day is looming and starting to stress me out. If you feel like you need my new address, let me know.

5. The Study. I'm involved in a study at the college. In involves weight loss and chocolate. Right now, I haven't gotten to the chocolate part, but do have to keep track of everything I eat and all my activities. It's complicated.

6. The back and hip. Actually, those are feeling a little better. I was a bit skeptical at first, but I think the doctor prescribed swimming has been helping. As long as I don't spend a lot of time with the vacuum cleaner at work (no, I'm not being a baby about it, it really does hurt that sacral illiac joint,) I'm pretty much ok.

7. Sister and Nephew. They're doing quite well. I saw them on the 3rd. I'm hoping to see them again soon, depending on my work schedule. He's getting bigger, she's getting smaller. They're all (Brother-in-Law included) getting use to each other and starting to figure things out. Nephew is still cute as a button.

That pretty much sums things up. It's late now and I'm going to bed. I have a long day of Arts Festing to do tomorrow. Fried Dough and lemonade are calling my name. What? Weight loss? Whatever.

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