Sunday, June 13, 2010

CB's First Birthday!

The Boy™ and I are at Mom's this weekend to kick off our vacation week (more on that later) and to celebrate Nephew's first birthday. I can't believe that baby is a year old already! 
His party was on Saturday. It was a big success.

He had his first taste of real sugar - birthday cake! It was a big hit.  He took the entire piece and shoved it against his face and just sucked on it while we all laughed and laughed. He just looked at us as if to say "What? What are you laughing at?"

Mmmm ... Cake ...

Whatchoo lookin' at, Auntie?

Afterward, The Boy™ and I went over to Sister's and watched Nephew open his presents.  As is usual with babies, he liked the wrapping paper and the ribbons more that the presents themselves.

Crap! Are these all for me?!

Enough with the camera, Auntie. I'm busy with my presents.

The lion towel from Auntie and Uncle was a good choice, judging from the smile on that face.

Tomorrow, we're off to Wina's house in NH. We're staying there for a couple of days to visit with friends we haven't seen since Christmas, then we're off to ME to stay with The Boy™'s family to celebrate FIL's 60th birthday. I'm really looking forward to the trip - seeing everyone, AND the time away from Pennsyltucky. 

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