Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Father Bun's Surprise Party

Last week, my father-in-law (who is affectionately called Bun, or Father Bun, for reasons that are too complicated to explain now) turned 60.  We had a surprise party for him last weekend.  Let me tell you, that was no easy feat.
My poor SIL Rose spend all day Friday cooking. And hiding all the dishes she was cooking every time Father Bun came down the driveway -- 14 times! The man has the shortest attention span of anyone on earth and had the day off. So he drove down to their house just to see what was going on.  She thought for sure he knew something was up and was trying to catch her in the act.

On Saturday, the day of the party, BIL and SIL came over and suggested we all go to the lake to cool off (it turned out to be one scorcher of a day!) 
"Come on, Bun, get your shorts on, let's go for a dip."
"No, it's too hot. I don't want to go."
Who knows why man thinks what he thinks.

Ten minutes before we got back, he had taken off on the 4-wheeler for parts unknown.

The party started at 4:00. People arrived, appetizers were served, the birthday boy was nowhere to be found. We figured we'd just have the party and tell him what a great time we had without him. 
Finally, at 4:30, MIL called. He was home. She was going to have him take a shower and go over.
4:45. He won't shower. He won't go over. Someone has to come and get him.
BIL and a friend went over on their 4-wheeler to go and pick him up.

He was quite surprised to see all those people there for him. Yes, that is a happy, surprised look on his face. That's about as much as Father Bun is able to emote.

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