Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Finding a Routine

Now that the show has closed, I'm trying to figure out some sort of routine with my days.
The semester has started for The Boy™, so he's trying to find some sort of routine as well.

My day (should) consist of either going into the office or the box (or both,) some sort of workout (which I have been neglecting since Dolly rehearsals started,) quick cleaning around the apartment, dinner and relaxing time with The Boy™.

Not necessarily in that order.

I was going to try to start that today. But my truck is in the shop until sometime this afternoon. So that's throwing a kink in things.

I know some people like the idea of just showing up to work when they feel like it and doing whatever they need to do around that.

I can't do that, though. I thrive on routine. If I don't have my routine, I get stressed and nothing gets done.
Which is, I think, worse than doing the same thing every day.

What sort of routine do you have set up for yourself?

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