Thursday, February 12, 2009

Dancin' in the Streets!

Well, not literally. 'Cause I don't dance. But figuratively. Why? you might ask. Because we have received some good news today. Finally.

Good News Number 1: I am, in fact, on the insurance. I don't know if I blogged here about the never ending stress and confusion relating to our health insurance and renewal thereof. Well, when The Boy put me on the insurance in January, we thought it hadn't gone through because that was for new students/employees only. Of which, The Boy is not. However, we found out today that it did work and I have been on the insurance since January first.
Now I can go to the doctor and ask about this pain in my ears instead of waiting until September and hoping it doesn't kill me.

Good News Number 2: We found out a few months ago that The Boy's department had lost its funding for grad students for next year. This put quite some stress on us since, even at 40 hours a week, I do not make enough money for us to live on. But, The Boy has been given funding for next year through a different, related department. So we don't have to move away and have him (not) finish his dissertation elsewhere.

It's been a good day.

1 comment:

Jp said...

*dances with you*
(or not dances with you?)

That's great news, hon!