Friday, February 20, 2009

Still Sick

I was doing okay for about a day. But I seem to have taken a turn for the worse. I am having a lot of ear pain right now. They feel all swollen on the inside. It isn't pleasant. And the antibiotics aren't much fun. I take one and feel kind of pukey for about half an hour. About two hours later, I get a wicked migraine. Then I get to do it again at dinner time.

I called in sick on Wednesday, mostly because of the general congestion and yuckiness. Yesterday, I kind of felt okay and made it through the day. Today I felt pretty crappy, but thought I could get through my shift (4-9pm on Fridays.) I got to work and BossWoman took one look at me and told me to go home. I didn't need to be asked twice. I crashed for a bit and then called BossMan and told him I won't be going in tomorrow either.

So, I'm curling up on the couch this weekend with my book, my knitting, my laptop, lots of hot tea, hot soup and Darvocet to ward off the migraines caused by the anitbiotics. I'll nap a lot, watch some TV and hopefully be back to work on Monday.

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