Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I stayed home sick today.

I probably could have gone into work (shhh ... don't tell BossMan,) but I think it did me some good to stay home and take it easy. I feel so much better having done so. I could use another day or so of it. These six day work weeks are pretty draining. The 14 day work weeks even more so.
February has been a rough month, work wise. First there has been the extra hours due to the orchestra concert (okay, so that was the end of January, but it was close enough to February to count as this month,) and the music recitals. And then all the extra hours the past two weeks when BossMan and BossWoman were out of town and we were all covering for them. Coming up next weekend will be even more extra hours for dance and theatre performances. We're all getting sick from burn-out.

Aside from February just being a hard month in general. You want so bad for winter to be almost over, but February is really just the middle of it all. It's a short month, but it feels like the longest because it doesn't have the benefit of having a holiday at all (at least for those of us who don't get Presidents' Day or February Break.) January has the end of Christmas and New Year's and March has Spring Break. February has nothing.

It's back to work for me tomorrow. I'm going to try to take it easy. Well, as easy as I can. Drink lots of water. Take my vitamins (in addition to the antibiotics I'll be taking for another week.) I'm hoping to feel well enough to hit the gym after work. At least for a little bit. Maybe that will help me get my energy back.

Oh, and another good thing about being back on the insurance? I can finally fill my prescriptions and start taking my migraine meds again.

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