Monday, June 8, 2009

Things Happening

There's stuff going on. Stuff and things.

Went to the doctor today about my back. They took some X-rays. Not entirely sure of the results yet, the radiologist has to read them. Once he does, they'll burn the pictures and the radiologist's report onto a CD and send me off with the CD to the orthopedist's. Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to another specialist I go. This is beginning to be a trend I don't like so much. But hopefully this will help. In the meantime, Dr. S. has given me some different pain meds. We'll see how they work.

Took Jersey Cat to the vet today. He got his distemper and his rabies shots. Which he didn't like at. all. We're discussing what to do about heartworm, fleas and ticks. That will need to be settled soon. Also, a feline leukemia shot. We didn't do that in NH because he wasn't going outside. But now that we take him out, he'll need to have that done.
The vet also says he's a tad bit overweight. He's up to 19lbs. His ideal weight is about 17lbs. Aren't we all slightly above our ideal weight, though? Why should Jersey be any different?

I also have heard back from first thing I'm not mentioning in case I jinx it. Think happy thoughts for me tomorrow around 3:15 EST, if you don't mind. Just send all the good vibes you can in my direction and I will be grateful. I'll let you know all about it if it works.

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