Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Week of Stuff

Things happening this week. Not really exciting to you all, I suppose, but things to knock me out of my regularly scheduled programming.

1. First week of the summer session. This requires a new work schedule for me to get used to. I'm done a little earlier on Mondays and Wednesdays, a little later on Tuesdays and Thursdays and off altogether on Fridays. I'm going to try to take advantage of having Fridays off to get down to the Farmer's Market. I missed it most weeks last year because of my work/show schedule.

2. Doctor's appointments. Allergist tomorrow and Orthopedist on Thursday. I'll update with the results, if any.

3. A three day weekend! I have more of these coming. This is exciting.

4. A trip on Saturday. The Boy™, Circus, B and I are going to Philly to see JP (who is there for an unrelated trip.) There may be a yarn store and Ikea included in the visit. But the real reason is to see JP. Pictures will be taken and posted.

5. Perhaps a ballgame on Sunday? The Boy™ gets free tickets to the local minor league baseball team with his student ID. He got a ticket for the game this Sunday. I may or may not go with him, depending on how tired I am after the Philly trip on Saturday.

In the meantime, I have finally gotten some knitting done. Finished the first Dead Simple Lace Sock and have started the second Leaves of Whimsy Sock. I've realized just how much sock yarn I have sitting around. I need to start knitting it up or face having to move it at the beginning of August. I also started something that will be a Christmas present for Nephew. I'm not sure it's coming out right, though, so I'm thinking of frogging it and starting again.
Pictures of the knitting to come.

Oh, and while we were at the comic book store last weekend I got a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies It is hysterical!
Elizabeth sits at the party because she has no one to dance with (which is what you do when you have no one to dance with at parties in those days.) She overhears Mr. Darcy saying that she is not as pretty as her sister and therefore he doesn't want to dance with her.
That jerk! thinks Elizabeth. I must defend my honor! She leans down to get her dagger from her boot to stab it into Mr. Darcy's throat just as -- Oh look! Zombies! Girls! Pentagram of Death!

Really! How can you not love that?!

1 comment:

Jp said...

I can't wait to see you guys!!!

And yay for zombie books!