Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Things I'm Working on (And One Thing I'm Not)

A couple of things I'm working on in my spare time lately:

I have a couple of plain white handkerchiefs I got from I don't know where. I ironed on some patterns on to them and have begun to embroider them.

The first couple are earth tones - reds, greens, browns, a little bit of orange. I'll post pictures of them completed if I remember.

My latest pair of socks is the Falling Leaf pattern from last year's pattern a day calender:

I have a couple more rows of the pattern for the cuff before I turn the heel. I have to decide if I want the pattern to continue over the top of the foot. I like the way it looks, but I don't like the way it feels, sometimes. It can be too bulky in shoes. But I also think that socks look funny if the pattern stops at the ankle. Hm. Decisions.

I'm also working on eating better (who isn't, these days.) I was at Wegman's the other day and saw this awesome bowl on sale:

I'm hoping that if I have the fruit out on the table, I'll be more likely to munch on that and not on the leftover Easter candy or the chips hidden away in the cabinet. A sensible person would just throw the chips and the candy away, but I know that if I do that, when I'm craving chips or candy, I'll go to the store and buy a whole bag and binge instead of just eating a couple out of the bag in the cabinet.
So far, having the fruit out is working pretty well. You can't see it in the picture, but there are also grapes in the bowl. Every time I pass by, I think I better eat the grapes before they go bad, so I eat a couple. There is still Easter candy left, a week and a half after Easter. The chocolate bunny hasn't even been opened yet!

The thing I am not working on:

The Boy™ bought me this guitar for my birthday ... gosh, I don't even know how long ago, now. Before we moved to PA. I can't play a single note. Not a chord. Not a thing. I bought some books. Downloaded some podcasts. Tried for a while. And gave up. I keep meaning to get back to it, but ... I don't know what my problem is. Lack of motivation? Lack of patience? Lack of talent? I want to learn to play. I just haven't yet. I might just need an actual person to teach me. But I really can't afford lessons right now.
Or maybe I just don't have an ear for music and need to accept the fact I will never learn to play.


Circus said...

I think the main thing is, you need someone to physically be there when you first start learning guitar. Otherwise, it's easy to get overwhelmed by how much there is to know and how to manage the fretboard (especially if you have small hands, like me).

If you want, I can help a little. I'm not a great guitarist, but I know some of the basics.

Gina said...

That might help. I may take you up on that, if you're not too busy. I'll be in touch.