Monday, January 5, 2009

Ready to Explode

Back to work today.

Last night, around 7:30, I got an e-mail from BossWoman saying that our schedules are changing for Monday. Ain't it great how she waits until Sunday night to tell us that we're changing work schedules for Monday?

Just a small gripe. The change is actually a change for the better for me. I'm working 10-6 on Mondays instead of 9-5:30. This actually gives me a chance to go to the gym before work. Which was nice today. I actually felt alert and energized all day. Don't know if that was because I have just had three weeks off, or what. But it was nice.

I am exhausted now, however.

Pile three weeks of back work on top of the first of the month work. On top of mid-semester schedule changes (people wanting to change their class/lesson times because their personal schedules have changed.) On top of a million new inquiries and registrations which always happen mid-year.
On top of losing (unexpectedly) a piano teacher, for whom BossMan is taking over.

I brought in a nice, warm cup of coffee to work with me at 10 this morning. I left with it cold and half full at 6:15 this evening. It was a busy day.

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