Friday, January 2, 2009

Happy New Year!

Okay, a day late, but Happy New Year nonetheless. I somehow lost yesterday to the comfy-ness of the couch and the new quilt we got from Grandma and Cousin Suzie for Christmas. It makes our very cold apartment bearable to be in.

None of my New Year's Eve pictures came out very good. We went downtown to the First Night celebrations with Circus, B and Sam. The ice sculptures were good this year. There was a giant throne one that B and Sam waited in a line of kids to sit and get their picture taken on. We caught the tale end of an interesting drum band (more band than drums, in my opinion,) and then went over to see Deirdre Flint who is absolutely hysterical. The Boy™ saw her during Arts Fest last year and told us all we needed to go. It was totally worth the walk in the freezing cold.
After another cold walk to the school to watch the last band of the high school battle of the bands, we wandered around town for a little while longer. We wrote our resolutions on the burning man, but missed the actual burning. By 11:30, we'd had enough. The Boy™ and I got home in enough time to watch the ball drop on TV and were in bed shortly after. What party animals we are, eh?

New Years Day was the laziest day I've had in a long time. I think I left the couch long enough to take a shower, get dressed and put away the Christmas decorations. The Boy™ stayed in his pajamas all day. It was indulgent and nice.

We made up for it today, however. Ran a lot of errands this morning. I made soup and some Art this afternoon. We're relaxing now, having fed Circus and B's cats for the evening. We're taking care of the little monsters while they're away for the weekend (kidding, they're actually very sweet kitties.)

Tomorrow is Chili, Chips and Competition at Amber's. The Boy™ and I are bringing vegetarian chili and will do our best and whatever board games people have to offer. I'll bring my camera and hopefully get some decent pictures.

Maybe I'll get some knitting done tonight. Still have those Anastasia socks to finish for Momo.

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