Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Wasting Time

I shouldn't be here blogging, but I am. I'm at work right now. Things are slow. I ought to be sending out invoices to people who haven't paid their tuition (some of them since November.) I'm working on it, slowly. I'm just having trouble being into it today.

I think I've hit my mid-winter slump. Which is a bit of a concern, since it is a little early for that. We still have at least three more months to go. I'm getting ansy for something new. I don't know what that something new is, but I'm ready for it to start. It's really just Spring I'm ready for.

The upshot of this, is that I feel slightly bi-polar. I go from days where I have tremendous amounts of energy and I clean and organize and knit and paint and create until I drop from exhaustion, to days where I don't feel like doing anything. I can't get up off the couch or care about what's going on in life. It's not depression, per say, just a kind of ... general malaise. I need a new project or something to jolt me back into life again.

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