Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Picture Dump (Part One)

I have finally found some time to get the vacation pictures off the camera and edited. Here is the first batch with brief descriptions, beginning with two from the bridal shower. I didn't actually take pictures of the brides or from the shower itself. You'll have to head over to Margot's blog if you want pictures of that.

Here is a picture of Sister and Niece- or Nephew-to-be!

Isn't she adorable? I hadn't seen her since Christmas and couldn't believe how big she's getting (I know she hates hearing that, and I'm sorry. You don't look any bigger than you're supposed to, Sister!)

Cousin Margot's eldest son camped out in one of the upstairs bedrooms during the shower and watched TV. I snuck up and snapped this photo of him and The Boy™ before The Boy™ left with the grooms:

Nice, relaxing way to start your vacation, eh?

I took this picture walking under the Glass Bridge in Tacoma. I might have to make it into my new desktop picture.

This picture was taken outside of a bakery in Tacoma. We didn't stop in the bakery, I just liked the bike sitting outside.

These next two pictures were taken at Pike's Place Market. I didn't have the money for teapots or flowers, so took a picture to remember them by instead.

And, of course, the obligatory Space Needle photo. The nice pictures of The Boy™ and I in front of it were taken on our cell phones. Because Verizon sucks, you can't see those.

This is the super-cute picture I took of the two of us outside of the Sci Fi Museum (yes, we're dorks.) If you look closely, you can see the reflection of my hand with the camera in The Boy™'s sunglasses.

The last picture for today is a happy picture of me in the yarn store. Ooo! Yarn! That yarn store was HUGE!

1 comment:

Jp said...

Aww, smooshyface kissy picture! And you need to submit the pink bike pic to Onions for the Remote Postcard website. Thanks for sharing, Gina! Looks like you had an awesome time.