Sunday, March 29, 2009

Picture Dump (Part Three)

Here they are, finally. I've spent today at home, relaxing (as well as I can.) These are the ones that were already edited, just waiting to be blogged about. I think there are some more that are suitable (read: interesting) for viewing. If there are, I'll dump them on later. If not, this will be the last picture dump.
The back isn't any better, if you're wondering. I'm just sort of plugging along, trying to make the best of things.

This guy is reading a newspaper in front of a sculpture called Black Lightning (if I remember correctly) near the Sci Fi Museum. I thought the sculpture was cool and the guy sitting there was pretty neat too.

At the Sci Fi Museum: The Boy™ reads the bus schedule to get us back to the hotel.

In Seattle, on the way to the bus stop, I took this picture for Beebe.

Random statue on the University of Washington campus. I'm sure it has some kind of meaning or story behind it. I didn't stop long enough to find out what.

The techie geek in me had to take a picture of this neat building at the University of Washington.

This is the library at the University of Washington. Silly Punk says it looks like the Great Hall from Harry Potter. What do you think?

These are the Ravens suspended from the ceiling in the library. They're neat.

There you have it. More pictures. Nearly a month after the vacation. I'm a bad blogger. I'm sorry.

Now I'm off to look for sock patterns on Ravelry. Don't ask if I'm ever going to post any knitting pictures again. That would imply finishing something sometime soon. *enter hysterical laughter here*

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