Monday, December 29, 2008

Slowing Catching Up

We're back from NY. Christmas was nice. Hectic, but nice. Well, Christmas Day was hectic. The rest of the week was pretty relaxing.

I still have the rest of the week off before I go back to work, unless BossMan calls us in to move furniture. It would be nice if he did, since we all could use some extra hours.
I'm trying to decide what to do with my free time otherwise. Aside from sleeping and cleaning. And reading and knitting of course. Gosh, what an exciting life I have. We've already planned to go downtown Wednesday night with Cris and B for First Night. Maybe with Sam if he gets settled in and wants to. He's moving in today. I'll try to get some First Night pics.

Perhaps I'll do some de-cluttering of this apartment. There's a bag of stuff that's been sitting in the bedroom waiting to go to Goodwill for a while. I've been meaning to go through the books and make some room on the shelves. Whatever Cris and B don't want, I'll bring to Webster's or Goodwill.

Today's tasks include the bank and post office and then hanging around and waiting for the UPS man, who is evidently going to deliver 2 packages from Amazon between 2 and 5.

Now, for your entertainment, a follow up Snowman picture. He had a bit of a rowdy night on Christmas Eve. What with the warm weather and the rain. And the beer.

1 comment:

Jp said...

There's a book we got M a year or two ago called (something like) What Snowmen Do At Night. Alas, this was not one of the pictures!