Monday, December 8, 2008

The Truth, Dammit

I don't have any kids, mind you, so this is sort of a moot point for me. But it's something that is kind of bothering me.

I keep hearing things about how to explain to your kids that Christmas is going to be somewhat less ... Christmasy this year. Most of these aren't even explanations. They're simply ways to fool your children into thinking that the less expensive presents you get them this year are as good as the more expensive presents you got them last year. Fill up their little stockings with $1 knick knacks from the dollar store instead of $15 knick knacks from Toys R Us. Buy them clothes from Target or WalMart instead of the Gap or Abercrombie.

Try to pass off the inexpensive as the expensive.

The worst thing I heard was to tell them that Santa and the elves over produced last year so they're taking a vacation this year.


Don't lie to your children.

They're not dumb. Okay, so they might not understand what's going on completely, but they know something is going on. How can they not? It's the only thing anyone can talk about right now. The economy is in the tank. Wall Street is falling under. The Big Three Auto is crying for help. A million people have lost their jobs. We're two steps away from the Great Depression. Recession, recession, recession.

Sit your children down. Explain to them that things are hard now. The economy isn't good. People are feeling the pinch. If they're young enough to still believe in Santa, tell them Santa too has fallen on hard times. Christmas is going to be small this year.
But the important thing is that we're together and happy and healthy. The season is about love, not about presents.
Sit down and watch one of those dorky Christmas movies together. Read a book. Sing a carol.

Don't lie to your children.

That is all.

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